How to change community / strata managers

(It's easier than you think)

Most people living in strata and community schemes believe it's too difficult to change their management company.

(The common misconception is that there are too many hoops to jump through and the process takes too long to get underway). 

This means they often stay with the same tiresome experience they’ve had to live with, which doesn’t fulfil their community’s true potential.

Switching management companies isn’t as hard as you think.

And with Clublinks easy to follow 5 step process, we can help you with that transition every step of the way!


Our 5-step process makes making a change even easier.

Here's all it takes (each step further explained below):

Step 1.

Check current agreement terms

Step 2.

Decide on a new strata manager (obtain a proposal)

Step 3.

Call a meeting of the owners corporation

Step 4.

Sign the paperwork

Step 5.

We then ensure a smooth handover and transition for owners

Step 1:
Check your current agreement terms and get clarity on what's next.

Step one is an important one, where we simply check your current Agency Agreement to confirm its expiry date, and/or its termination clauses.  

  • If your contract is near its expiry date, we can proceed through to the next steps. 
  • If your contract is NOT close to the expiration date, we can talk you through potential options which may differ depending on your scheme’s situation.  


Regardless of your situation, we’re here to help!

Step 2:
You can begin obtaining proposals from Strata & Community Management Companies.

Finding a company that fits within your scheme’s wants and needs for management is important.  

So – don’t be afraid to make a few calls before requesting a proposal to ensure the company(s) you are going to will be a good fit for your situation.  

At Clublinks, we pride ourselves on tailoring our management services to suit our clients’ individual wants and needs.  

Comparing proposals can be difficult depending on the pricing structure each company has based their proposal on. We encourage you to read the proposals carefully and question the companies to ensure you understand which proposals are all inclusive and which are not).
It's also beneficial to meet with the companies to discuss their proposal and get a feel if they are the right fit for you or not, so you know who you want to recommend to the owners. Without the right fit, your community can never truly shine bright!

Step 3:
Call and hold a general meeting of the owners corporation.

To call the meeting:

  • Generally, you would request the secretary of the owner’s corporation to call a general meeting; the strata committee could also agree to calling the meeting.   
  • Ensure that the agenda includes the motion to terminate the current strata manager and appoint a new one (Clublinks can provide guidance here).   
  • The notice of the meeting must be given to all lot owners and should include the date, time, and place of the meeting, along with details of the motions to be considered and, importantly, needs to issue within the legislative timeframes (another area Clublinks can provide guidance on).  
  • Request your current Strata/Community Manager to prepare and/or issue the agenda, or alternatively you can do this (which we could also guide you through).  

During the meeting:  

  • Discuss the reasons behind wanting to make a change, the preferred company and why you are recommending the company you are   
  • Vote on the motions to determine the outcome/next steps   

After the meeting:  

If the change of manager was approved,  

  1. Formally notify the current manager of the termination in accordance with the terms of the contract and provide them with the required notice period  
  2. Notify the new company appointed   

If you want any clarity on any of the above points, please feel free to get in touch with us today for a free, no obligation chat.

Step 4:
You sign with excitement as you begin looking to the future of your community / strata

This is where the fun begins! 

New agreements will need to be signed as agreed at the general meeting.  

If you’ve chosen Clublinks as your preferred option and signed on, we’ll make a start on step 5.  

All that will be left for you to do is look toward the exciting future of your community/strata scheme.  

Ready to get started?

    Contact us

    Step 5:
    We then ensure a smooth handover and transition, so your community / strata isn't affected!

    To facilitate a smooth handover, we step in and arrange the collection of your books and records and do a general audit of said records to ensure all documentation is received and nothing has been missed.  

    Next, we onboard your site to our management system, communicate to owners and arrange a meeting with the committee to reconfirm your current position versus the direction needed to ensure we can hit the ground running! 

    And that’s it! It really isn’t all that difficult if you take it just one step at a time. And with Clublinks, we’ll be here every step of the way to do the heavy lifting.  

    That way, all you have left to worry about is to begin looking to the future and enjoy watching your community / strata shine bright! 

    Want to have a free, no obligation chat? Contact our team now!